
US congressman facing domestic violence allegations

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Domestic Violence on Wednesday, March 5, 2014.

We have written before on our Illinois fathers’ rights blog about how judges may feel they have little choice in a domestic violence case but to issue a temporary protective order against the person who has been accused — often, the husband and father — even in the absence of anything other than the word of the alleged victim.

This is the situation facing a member of Congress from Florida who is going through a divorce. Over the weekend, his estranged wife accused him of shoving her to the ground at her home. Quite often in these sorts of cases, the only thing to go on is the word of the alleged accuser against the alleged perpetrator. In this case, however, there was an adult witness: the congressman’s constituent services director.

It wasn’t explained why the man accompanied the congressman — his boss — to the congressman’s wife’s home, but in any case, the man says the accusations leveled against his boss aren’t true. He told reporters that the congressman did not strike or shove his wife during the incident. A statement issued by the congressman’s office goes further, saying that it was the wife who was the aggressor, and that the congressman did not retaliate.

This area of family law can be an explosive one. Accusations, whether accurate or not, against one or both parents in divorce proceedings can be devastating. Experienced attorneys can come to the aid of people in these types of situations and offer their advice.

Source: Orlando Sentinel, “Wife says Alan Grayson shoved her during domestic incident,” Jeff Weiner, March 4, 2014

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