
How to Find the Right Attorney for Your Metro East Divorce

If you and your spouse have decided to divorce, you likely have a lot going through your mind. Questions about living situations, income arrangements, child custody, and more are often at the forefront of people’s minds after a separation. Unfortunately, it can feel impossible to know where to begin, and many people find themselves making poor legal decisions during this time. However, before you begin to worry about these details, you must find an attorney to represent you in your case. Not every attorney is the same, so it is essential that you find one who fits your needs and


Are Mothers More Likely to Receive Child Custody During Divorce?

One of the most significant decisions in any divorce case involving children is the division of custody between the parents. If you ask most individuals who is most likely to receive custody during divorce, it is not at all uncommon for individuals to believe that mothers automatically receive preference from the courts. In many cases, these same individuals attribute this belief to the assumption that mothers are the primary caretakers. Is this how the court system works? Or, is it merely an outdated belief that eventually influenced legal practice? In the modern court system, it is far more of the


How Do I Know If My Prenuptial Contract in Metro East, IL, Is Valid?

A prenuptial contract can allow a couple to establish clear expectations for one another as they begin their marriage. While many people view prenuptial contracts disdainfully, believing they indicate a lack of faith that a marriage will last, the reality is that prenuptial agreements are practical and valuable choices for many marrying couples. This is especially true for people who have prior financial obligations from past marriages or those who own complex assets. If you think a prenuptial contract is suitable for your situation, it is essential to understand how these agreements work, what they can include, and how to


5 Mistakes to Avoid in a Metro East, IL Divorce

The divorce process can be incredibly taxing in many ways. The legal process is time-consuming, expensive, and stressful, and the emotional side of divorce can take an extreme psychological toll, even if you are certain your marriage needs to end. Unfortunately, the emotional aspects of divorce compel some individuals to make critical mistakes during their divorce proceedings. This is why it is so important to have a reliable Metro East, IL divorce attorney on your side as you navigate the dissolution process. Consider the following list of mistakes to avoid so you can better appreciate the value of reliable legal


What Is Child Support Supposed to Cover in Metro East, IL?

The family court system of Metro East, IL upholds that every child has the right to financial support from both of their parents and that both parents have an equal obligation to provide this financial support. When parents divorce with children, they must form a child custody and support agreement that outlines each parent’s custody rights and support responsibilities. In almost every divorce agreement, including those in which both parents share custody, one parent will pay child support to the other. If you have a child support agreement with your ex, and you are the one paying child support, it’s


How Expert Witnesses Can Help Your Divorce Case in Metro East, IL

Any divorce has the potential to escalate into a complex legal affair. However, some divorce cases, such as those involving high net worth spouses, are particularly difficult to navigate. In these cases, expert witnesses may be necessary. Most people are familiar with the idea of expert witnesses playing crucial roles in criminal and civil cases, but it is also possible for these experts to weigh in on divorce cases. If you are planning to divorce in Metro East, IL, and have concerns about the complexity of the issues you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse must resolve, expert witnesses may prove useful.


Prenuptial Agreements Line by Line

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Strategies For Family Law Illinois

Aspatore Books from Thomson Reuters Westlaw

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Aspatore Books from Thomson Reuters Westlaw

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