
Military parents can struggle for child custody

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Child Custody on Tuesday, July 31, 2012.

A panel of attorney’s across all the states are working to apply uniform rules for military members going through child custody proceedings. Many people might wonder why child custody is any different for military members. There is much concern that men and women who are in the military might have their potential overseas deployments considered when a judge is making a child custody decision. Parents who are deployed overseas might be disadvantaged because of their lengthy time away from the child involved.

While their overseas deployment will likely be a temporary change, a child custody order might be more permanent and difficult to change. Although many states have passed laws that address the issue of child custody and visitation rights, many are not the same. By making laws more uniform across state governments, parents that serve in the military will have an easier time addressing any child custody issues that arise because of their deployment.

Since a law in one state might be different than another regarding this issue, parents might have difficulty having their custody agreements enforced across state lines. This might leave some parents with few options for a resolution. Speaking with an experienced child custody attorney might be a wise decision if someone is in a similar situation.

Military members who serve their country honorably shouldn’t be restricted from child custody and visitation rights simply for being a service member. While recommendations for uniform laws may take some time to be acted on by various states, it is important not to get discouraged. An attorney can help address many different child custody issues, including for military members.

Source: Associated Press, “US Panel: Improve child custody rules for military,” Kristin M. Hall, July 18, 2012

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